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Top international artists coming from 6 different countries will showcase their work through a number of different approaches, instruments, lights, colours and languages.


All shows are unique but nonetheless share two common features: they are dedicated to young audiences and have each achieved national acclaim. Check out the amazing productions you will be able to see at YAMsession 2018!


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Artist: Semmy Stahlhammer & Maele Sabuni

Target audience: 6+ years

Bach in the Street

Bach in the Street

With its mesmerising staging and its use of musical juxtaposition, Bach in the Street explores concepts from cultural identity and people displacement to life and death in a format that is simultaneously serious and light-hearted.

This production presents both musical and cultural fusion. On stage, solo violin music meets blasted hip-hop and urban street dance. The interaction between Semmy Stahlhammer (First Concert-Master of the Royal Swedish Orchestra and Bach specialist) and Maele Sabuni​ (award winning street dancer and Sweden Eurovision performer) is dynamic and captivating for audiences of all ages.

The two virtuoso performers also represent a fusion of cultures. Both are the Swedish-born children of refugees (Semmy’s heritage is Jewish​, Maele’s Congolese) and the production investigates what it means to escape and then find refuge, to plant roots in new soil, to find one’s own place and to grow through art and culture.

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Artist: Christoph Pepe Auer & Manfred Temmel

Target audience: 6-11 years


Pepe & Speedy

Pepe and Speedy

In a musical journey, Pepephon Jazz musicians Christoph Pepe Auer and Manfred Temmel use guitars, clarinets, saxophones and their home-made pepephone in a playful exploration of sounds, rhythms and melodies. During this process the audience experiences sound-worlds ranging from joyful, fast-paced gypsy jazz through to celestially melodic songs; from intoxicatingly groovy rhythms through to swinging waltzes.


They play their own compositions as well as arrangements and excerpts from pop, jazz and classical music and focus on the first-hand joy of playing, the creative usage of the instruments, and on an interactive musical exchange with the audience.


Artist: Théâtre de la Guimbarde

Target audience: 1-5 years




A collaboration between the Guimbarde Theater (Belgium) and the Eclair Theater (Burkina Faso), Taama ("voyage" in Dioula language) brings together a Burkinabe singer and a Breton violinist in a colorful world that mixes traditional rhymes and classical melodies.


Their meeting takes place after she has walked a long way. In exile, she seeks a haven of peace where to put her small and big business to rebuild a nest. In her bags, she took the instruments that remind her of the sounds and songs of her country. So many treasures that make his wealth. He, present on his way, welcomes him and accompanies him on this musical path. Like a rhyme that reassures her. Like a caring and accomplice presence.

Through the idea of ​​travel, the show is a metaphor for the child who, separated from his mother, is confronted daily with the unknown.





C’est parti mon kiki

Artist: Jacques Tellitocci


Target audience: 6-11 years


C'est partir mon kiki

"C'est Parti Mon Kiki" is an instrumental show that immerses us in a playful musical universe. A burlesque and mute character revisits his childhood memories and invites us to enter his den as a little boy. We discover a variety of sound toys including his favorite toy: the dog Kiki, his loyal playmate who reawakens his imagination.


An eclectic and evocative soundscape is created by Jacques Tellitocci’s vibraphone playing and his use of children’s toys. This is combined with atmospheric visuals to create an entrancing show.


The Fluteman Show


Artist: Gabor Vosteen

Target audience: 7+

The Fluteman Show

40.000 years ago he brought music to Neanderthal man by presenting a flute made of mammoth bone. To the Pied Piper he revealed the secret of hidden persuasion. Pan copied his compositions. God Shiva took lessons from him. Mozart said that, without him, The Magic Flute would have never been composed. And to the child he brought talent to impress the relatives with this instrument so that it became the highlight of every Christmas Eve.


With music ranging from Bach, Mozart, Paganini and the 21st century. The Fluteman Show is a comedy concert show created and performed by Gabor Vosteen. A comedian and flutist, Vosteen has created a solo program in which he unites music, poetry and comedy. His trademark is the unique playing on several recorders simultaneously, which earned him the name "The Fluteman".


Balkan Paradise Orchestra


Artist: Balkan Paradise Orchestra

Target audience: 13+

Balkan Paradise Orchestra

In The Fluteman Show Gabor rises to his vision to save the world with the most considerable instrument of humankind and uses stunning facets of the recorder never heard or seen before. With myriad plastic flutes, a rocky electric-flute, the only leopard-bass flute on earth and countless saucy tricks with the recorder he fulfills his mission: Bach, Paganini, pop-music, own compositions and amazing comedy result into the unheard universe of the master of flutes Gabor Vosteen. So flutiful!

The Balkan Paradise Orchestra began their journey in the beginning of 2015 in the city of Barcelona. An unusual and groundbreaking formation made up of eleven wind and percussion instrumentalists, the BPO has brought a fresh and lively atmosphere to spectacle of the Balkan fanfare. With different approaches, experiences and influences, but sharing the passion for the Balkan tradition, these eleven women transform the genre into an authentic elixir of traditional melodies with rhythms from around the world, offering a show loaded with energy that works both on stage and on the street. With an amazing ability to generate empathy with the public, the BPO brings joy, celebration and a desire to dance to every corner of the world.

Tam Tam

Tam Tam


Artist: Compagnie Madame Glou

Target audience: 5-12 years

Body Music and Burlesque Theater, such is the original and charming alliance of Tam-Tam; the story of a man and a woman, two great simpletons who are too shy and clumsy to be comfortable with words.

It is their gestures that will say loudly what they want to keep quiet, until the escape of sounds, in spite of themselves, finally allowing them to discover the infinite possibilities of communication through rhythm and sounds. This show was imagined by the sparkling Églantine Rivière, whose original work is at the crossroads of clown and music. She built with her team a percussive, comic and participative non-verbal universe, where voice, handstrokes, feet and goblets mix! The two characters move from major disagreement to perfect harmony... or, almost!

To attend the showcases

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YAM / JM International

Square Eugène Plasky 92-94, Box 13

1030 Brussels, Belgium

+32 2 513 97 74 |

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