YAMsession is an annual international event for creative professionals working in the field of young audiences music development.
YAMsession is part of Young Audiences Music (YAM), JM International's programme dedicated to providing children and youth with access to high quality live music experiences. The programme aims to foster, through international exchange and collaboration, an increase in both the quality and quantity of concerts for young audiences around the world.
The international YAM programme is divided into four elements:
an online resource center
an annual conference and showcase
an international celebration of artistic excellence
an expert body of organisers
YAMsession takes place in a different country every year and includes showcases of the best young audiences productions from Europe and the world, a dynamic Producers Forum and a wide range of thought provoking presentations and discussions from international speakers. Delegates shall also have the opportunity to enjoy the YAMawards Ceremony, where the world's best music productions for young audiences are crowned.
YAMsession is a unique event for creative professionals working with live music for young audiences.
YAMsession is an ideal opportunity to network and learn from other professionals from around the world, share experiences, gain knowledge and inspiration, as well as discover some amazing productions for young audiences.
YAMsession is for:

Organised by
YAM is a program of JM International (JMI). JMI is the world’s largest network of youth and music organisations with members in over 70 countries carrying out 40,000+ activities annually, outreaching more than 6 million young people. Founded in Brussels (Belgium) in 1945, JMI works tirelessly to enable young people to develop through music across all boundaries. JMI’s activities are built upon the principles of access to music for all, development through music education (formal/non-formal/informal) and increasing active participation in society through music.
JMI works for and with youth, empowering them with the tools they need to succeed, using the power of music to bridge social, geographical and cultural divides and create an international platform for intercultural dialogue and acceptance.
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